Einstein's Newest Ph.D. Candidates Rejoice at Qualification Jubilation
Lubin Dining Hall was the site of a joyous celebration on the evening of June 16, as 33 graduate students and their families, friends and mentors gathered for Einstein’s fifth annual Qualification Jubilation. The event honored the Ph.D. and M.D.-Ph.D. students, each of whom had achieved several key milestones along the path to becoming a scientist: successful completion of the rigorous qualifying exam, receipt of a Master of Science degree and admission to candidacy for the doctoral degree.
Jubilant students mark their accomplishmentsDr. Victoria Freedman, associate dean for graduate programs, opened the program. Dr. Allen M. Spiegel, the Marilyn and Stanley M. Katz Dean, then welcomed attendees and congratulated the honorees. Dr. Barbara Birshtein, professor of cell biology, scientific director for the training & educational grants office and director of training grant support programs, was chosen by the students to serve as keynote speaker.
In describing her own experiences as a student and postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Birshtein spoke about the challenges and pleasures of being a graduate student working toward the Ph.D. and the rewards, both expected and unexpected, that come with a research career. She also related how her love of science and research grew through mentoring of graduate students and collaborations with fellow faculty.
Rousing applause filled the room as each student received his or her master’s degree from Dr. Freedman at the program’s conclusion.
The Jubilation Celebration was established in 2012. Students and faculty in the Einstein graduate division of biomedical sciences collaborate each year with the Einstein Alumni Association and the Board of Trustees in organizing this special event, which marks an important stage in the training of Einstein research scientists.
Posted on: Monday, July 25, 2016