Election 2020: Make Your Plan to Vote!
Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2020. And for New Yorkers that means new options on when to vote, because state legislators passed laws that now allow early voting. While one can still opt to vote on Election Day, those in New York can also choose to go to one of several polling places within the county where they reside to cast their ballot between Saturday, October 24 and Sunday, November 1. To learn how, when, or where you can vote—including early voting locations in your county—visit VoteEarlyNY.org.
Voting in the 2020 general election is our privilege and our duty as American citizens. There are three options for casting your ballot: early voting at select polling locations, using an absentee or mail-in ballot, or voting in person at your polling place on Tuesday, November 3
In addition, each state has its own absentee/mail-in ballot requirements for requesting and turning in ballots by mail. Those residing in the Garden State or the Nutmeg State can click on the link for each provided, or visit BetterKnowABallot.com for further information.
When making your plan to vote, remember: In accordance with New York State Election Law, Einstein provides its employees with up to two hours of paid time off to vote. For more information, including eligibility and scheduling, please review the recent e-blast concerning Election Day and amended holiday schedule.
The important thing is that we each make sure our voice is heard by getting out to vote.
Special SHOUTout! to Student Volunteers
Samantha George, M.D. Class of 2021, and Abby Smith, M.D. Class of 2023, prepare to help register voters
Our ability to vote, and that of those in our community, was vastly improved by Einstein students who took part in a campaign to register voters. Members of the Students for a National Health Program, Family and Social Medicine Interest Group, American Medical Association, and Latino Medical Student Association took part in the Vot-ER campaign, whose aim is to promote healthy democracy by ensuring that as many individuals who are eligible to vote could exercise that right during the 2020 election.
“Our efforts focused on making sure individuals were registered and have a safe plan to vote in the upcoming November 3, 2020 general election,” said Sarah Hill, one of the student organizers. The students worked with members Einstein and Montefiore’s family and social medicine department to provide in-person assistance with registering.
Their efforts allowed people to check or update their registration and helped them with requesting a mail-in ballot. In all, the students were able to help nearly 300 members of the Bronx and surrounding communities with their voter registration. That included registering at least 25 individuals who needed to use paper mail-in forms to complete their registration applications because they lacked a New York State driver’s license that was required when applying online. Overall, the combined efforts of institutions taking part in the
Vot-ER registration efforts helped more than 13,500 Americans get ready to vote nationally.
Student volunteers posted helpful information on registering and voting at locations throughout the Einstein campus, including in housing
“We’re committed to ensuring everyone has a healthy and safe voting experience,” said Sarah.
The Einstein students are not limiting their efforts to the 2020 election, however. “We hope to encourage people to take part in all elections,” said Sarah. Toward that goal, they will continue their collaboration with the department of family and social medicine to register people beyond the general election and to make conversations about voting a more routine aspect of the healthcare that people receive.
They also will focus on getting out the vote for this election, by sending out email reminders to the student body about early voting and absentee ballot deadlines. The links noted above offer this information for New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Be sure to check for your home state and get out to VOTE, Einstein community!
Posted on: Friday, October 23, 2020