Stepping Out to Step Up Your Daily Routine
Exercising isn’t just about lifting weights and running laps. Did you know that walking is a great way to exercise?
According to WebMD, walking can help both your mental and physical health. The benefits of walking can include improved sleep, better endurance, reduced stress, enhanced mood, greater energy and stamina, less fatigue and better mental alertness, and weight loss.
Consider incorporating walks into your daily routine, along with the other appointments you note on your calendar. That way, you are sure to fit them in. Then, put on some comfortable shoes or sneakers and head outside.
At Einstein, we’ve got some great walks you can do, whether to get some fresh air, to run an errand at a local shop, or to grab a bite to eat. From pizzerias to bakeries, restaurants, and shops, our Morris Park neighborhood has a lot to offer that will satisfy your appetite and other needs.
You also can make your daily walk part of your fitness regimen. Those interested in the amount of steps you will get from your walks can check out “Walking the Walk at Einstein,” created by Dr. Keith Ayoob, associate professor emeritus of pediatrics and former director of the Nutrition Clinic at the Children’s Evaluation & Rehabilitation Center. This printable flyer includes distance calculations, by number of steps, for a variety of walks around our campus.
Posted on: Monday, January 30, 2023